Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Challenging Classes

My last two classes were challenging! Yesderday, Mr. Iyengar instructed the class through Abhijata and Gulnaaz. He observed that we weren't really doing the actions that were being asked for and we were held in the poses for a long time until the actions started to come. We got to know our top thighs and our metatarsals quite well!

This moring's 7am class with Prashant was "back bending". Prashant said we should not be slogging through our back bends. Instead, we should be tranquil and placid. He said our faces should look angelic during and after the difficult poses. I found an ease in Viparita Dandasana that I hadn't found before.

On the domestic front, we have a wonderful cook. Yesterday she was making fresh paratas (sp?) and encouraged us to eat them straight off the pan. They were delicious. Also, we are puzzled by our washing machine. One of the wash settings is "fuzzy"! I am not sure that I want fuzzy clothes!

This weekend we are headed to the Ellora and Ajanta caves. It is a long drive but we have heard it is worth it. I will be offline until Tuesday and will write about it then.

I had dinner with Care Parker, Karin Brown and Barb Stief last night. It was fun to hang out with everyone.


Unknown said...

Thanks for all the posts, Nina! I enjoy hearing the details of what studying in Pune is like.

Although we miss you and the other teachers, it's been very nice getting to know Cindy as our teacher on Thursday evenings. It was also great to see Amy Duncan last week.

Can't wait to hear more... especially about the caves! Hope you got some good pictures.

Unknown said...

Hi Nina,
I love reading your blog. YOu are so lucky to be going to the caves--I have heard about them but never been there. I have enjoyed Bud's classes but miss you and Nuvana very much!

Becky said...

Hi Nina
I saw Eat, Pray, Love last night and thought of you when Pray hit the scene.

It was excellent, as Julia Roberts acted out the emotions beautifuly.
While I still want to visit Italy and learn Italian, I do not know if I'll ever be ready to visit India! Of course, to pass a test, one must take the test....

Looking forward to seeing you soon and being a grateful student of yoga again!

Be Well~
Becky Z.