Tuesday, July 8, 2008


19 days and counting! Life seems to be accelerating like a jet takeoff - I feel pinned back in my seat as my final preparations take shape. My travelling friend and I are emailing each other twice a day, figuring last minutes details. I have purchased numerous items from both the "natural remedies" area of New Seasons as well as more traditional things found in a medicine cabinet. I am prepping my mom and Jen to keep the yoga center running smoothly while I am gone. I realize I need a bigger piece of luggage!

Admidst this preparation I am managing to keep my daily pranayama and asana practice. Some days my practice seems superficial as I try to stay focused. Other days I feel confident that I am prepared and and my pracice is filled with discipline and self-study. I know that my time in India will be another type of acceleration - of my practice and of my understanding of yoga.

1 comment:

Theyoginme said...

Nina I know you will accelerate maybe beyond your comprehension - but nothing will prepare you better than what you already know from the Sutras. I am reflecting back many of the things I have learn't from you in class.

You will simply need to love everything that you can about India and what you cannot, simply be indifferent. Thats the best catalyst for the acceleration from the experience. Anyway, I hope to see you there as our overlap maybe a short one. I come back from Pune on August 4th.
