Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Backbends and more Backbends

During the third week of the month Geeta teaches backbending classes. Back bends are a personal challenge for me and I have been both looking forward to this work, but also a little apprehensive that it would be too much.

Our first backbending class was Saturday, and it seemed to be a struggle for many of us. But I made it through the class without feeling overwhelmed.

Last night's class Geeta's sequencing was brilliant and she knew just how hard to push us. I have never heard so much groaning and exclaiming in a class before. She gave us occasional rests to recover from our efforts. After we had done what seem like an endless count of Urdhva Dhanurasanas (upward bow pose) and we were resting, she asked us "Are you ready"? in sweet voice. The whole room burst out laughing. I think some of us were hoping we were done with this pose, but we gamely continued on to a variation with one leg pointed to the ceiling. After class I felt exhilarated and excited about the wonderful experience of classes with Geeta.

The weather has cleared up and it has stopped raining for a few days. Karen and I plan to do some more walking to the markets and just enjoy being outdoors.

Thanks for your comments, I look forward to logging in each day and hearing from different people.


Unknown said...

Hi Nina,
I read Mary Dunn's new post before this one. She received a call from Prashant and spoke with him and Guruji. And meanwhile you are there nearby doing backbends. And today or tomorrow I'll call Nana and catch up with him. And I think how far away we are and how inter-connected we are.....
Bill M.

Unknown said...

I have continued to watch the Olympic gymnists and think of you. Last night was uneven bars final and I remembered how you could do kips and I couldn't. Knowing how flexible you always were compared to me, it's still hard to imagine you having trouble with a backbend. I know we are "old," but there are a lot of "older" athletes in this particular olympics, so it's been quite inspiring. Sorry if you haven't been able to see any of it... sounds like you have your own Olympic-style rigors going anyway!! :-D

Unknown said...

Hi Nina,
I found your blog quite by accident while researching some information about rope work online; I'm so glad I did. I hope to come to India someday, but it is probably a few years away (maybe when I'm 45 as well). My teacher, Joan White, is also there now. It has been really interesting to read about your experience, thanks so much for posting.
Lisa Sands