Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Two Tough Classes

Last night was Prashant's class. We focused on backbends. It was a tough class with the only pauses coming when we switched “stations”. We went from rope headstand to backback on the chair to more rope work. Prashant was giving strong individual adjustments to every student to help us understand where we needed to open. He said “Don't go for all out effort, go for all out effect”! This actually helped me stay in the more difficult poses longer. Backbends are tough for me but I managed to make it through class, feeling just a little grumpy after class was over.

This morning in Geeta's class we had a long stay in both headstand and shoulderstand. Geeta told us that we shouldn't be concerned with how long we were going to stay in shoulderstand, so I knew were were in for a long stay indeed. She did not disappoint and Karen and I figured we were there (with variations) for 20 minutes. It was helpful to talk to the other women after class and learn that everyone was ready to hear the longed for words in headstand – now inhale and come down!

It has been raining hard for the last four days, and there is much flooding around the region. We haven't seen blue sky for days. Karen and I have taken it easy the last two days – no rickshaw rides. We are planning a shopping trip and a trip to the German bakery (where I have told there is chocolate cake!), as well as visiting a temple in the next few days.

Thanks for all the Princess Bride jokes! They made my day. And EWW - thanks for reminding me of my actuarial past. KA - I would think the average age is around my age (45 for two more weeks!), maybe a little older. There are plenty of 30 somethings, and many over 60.


Naomi said...

An entire class of backbends, yikes! I can't imagine. When is the "restorative" class?!!


Theyoginme said...

Nina, Take a walk around the Osho Ashram area. There is a park on the other side of the Ashram (I forget the name), but its an amazing peaceful place. I think its called the Buddha Garden .. Also if you are going that far you should consider renting a car...and also visit Camp area (MG Road). You could get one for Rs 800 for 80 kms or 8 hours... Have you been to Laxmi Road yet.. ? Tried the street side roasted corn yet?

Unknown said...

I've never been there when there is so much rain. Very convenient to be so close!
Bill M.

Unknown said...

Wow...they are working you, girl!

Emma and Ethan are promotion testing for Wushu on Saturday! Will we see Will there?

We are hot, hot, hot in pdx right now, so enjoy the rains...